When considering any business opportunity it’s important to know who you are dealing with.
We have always believed that 'one of the best indicators of future success - is past performance'
Hello George May here - I’m the original ZippyKerb Inventor in Sydney in 1981. I’ve put this page up because I have been hearing from people that a competitor is saying that Zippykerb are amateurs - inexperienced - useless - and a whole lot worse. I have no problem with hard nose competition but I get upset with personal attacks, especially when they are total rubbish.
ZippyKerb is owned and managed by very experienced and successful people, since coming to Australia from Scotland I have built major businesses from scratch here, in the USA and Asia. Never had any sort of business failure.
I am a published business author & consultant to over 260 of the World’s largest companies. What follows is a brief overview of some of our business expertise,
it will give you insight into our experience, attitudes and ethics.
All the best to you and yours.
George May Sydney October 2014
ZippyKerb was founded back in 1981 by George May who had built up Allied Building Industries and ABC Seamless Gutters after a very successful career with Xerox and Nashua Australia leaving as senior management. The continuous concrete edging industry began when George was visiting his branch office in Griffith. He met an Italian concreter who had shaped concrete edging my hand in his front yard - by bending plywood strips into curves and forming straight lines with lengths of timber.
Very time consuming - but the end result looked good.
Recognising how effective and attractive it was George wondered if it was possible to create a machine to extrude the Kerbing.
His building businesses were both involved in extruding aluminum and steel products so the concept of continuous extrusion of concrete was a normal progression.
In 1981 he began designing the Zippykerb - once perfected - he applied for a patent in 1983 since then there have been many 100’s of his machines sold worldwide.
Early in the 80’s George went to the USA on holiday- Showing some photos of the Kerbing to his U.S Business Associates resulted in him spending the next years marketing almost exclusively in the USA - selling many machines all over America and Canada.
The First Plunger Assembly & Body - Sydney 1981
The First Plunger Assembly & Body - Sydney 1981
Skinny George - 1982
First USA Job - 1983
George May (in cap) Teaching 1982
First Commercial Job - Council Parks
Allied and ABC Seamless
The first ZippyKerb machine was built in George’s Sydney factory - Allied Building Products and ABC Seamless, he had imported around 30 metal roll forming machines from the USA which made metal building products such as roofing, continuous gutter, wall cladding and such.
One of our fleet of Mobile Roll Formers
(The Mobile Billboard Industry evolved from this truck)
One of our tradesman said ‘that looks like a mobile
Billboard"so we formed Streets Ahead Mobile Billboards
George Picking up a Custom Built Roll Former Seattle USA
This roll former made continuous colorbond wall cladding.
A beautiful Dutch Colonial look. We did 1000’s of jobs across Australian with our mobile gutter / cladding/ roofing machines.
Some references:
"We have no hesitation in recommending Mr. May as a most honest and dependable man - His business dealings have been exemplary - He would never enter into any arrangement he could not fulfill"
National Australia Bank
"Known to us since 1976 - Mr. May has always conducted his business in a thoroughly professional manner"
Alcan Australia
"One of the most successful in the field -worldwide"
Malaysian Government
"A driving force and the most professional company in the industry"
Hunter Douglass
Lock-A-Bar system
Another of George’s inventions was Removable Window Bars which he developed after reading that people had burned to death by not being able to get out because of fixed window bars. The Lock-A-Bar system fits inside the window - by turning a key you can lock or remove the bars. Providing security when you want it - the product has World Wide Acceptance.
Noble May Leadership Centre
Because of his corporate background in Management, Sales and Corporate Training George also began Noble May Australia which he also built up into perhaps Australia’s most successful training and management skills organisation relative to number of client and international customers.

Virgin Blue, Citibank, South West Airlines USA, Word Perfect, Hunter Douglas, Raine & Horne, American Express, KPMG, DHL, NRMA, Sanitarium, Diners Club, Kellogg’s, Amway, Freightliner USA, University of Queensland, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical Professionals, Schering Plough, Yellow Pages, Douglas Pharmaceutical, The Malaysian Government and many more.

George says ALL traditional sales training is manipulative - teaching to try to Control the outcome / to close the sale. The language of Selling teaches to guide a non- manipulative process which allows the buyer to clarify their own thinking so that they can make the best decision for themselves without any confusion or internal doubt.
George has sold this program to every company where he has presented it in Australia, the USA, Asia, N.Z and Europe.
All of the Noble May programs are based in teaching Non Manipulative win / Win Ethical skills. It is unlikely that no one else in Australia’s corporate history has trained as many Australian and International Sales Staff and Management as has George May.

He has evolved - today he drives a Statesman…
Pinnacle Nutrition USA
While training Major International MLM clients such as Amway, Herbalife and NuSkin in the USA George saw that Japanese consumers wanted high quality vitamins and supplements - almost regardless of price. At the time strict Japanese Laws didn’t allow shipping of bulk vitamins directly to consumers.
George set up, with his US partners, Pinnacle Nutrition specifically to fill the Japanese demand for high quality vitamins and supplements.
These products were typically 10 times more expensive than competitors but it was a case of giving the consumer what they wanted - Japan has one of the most mineral deficient soils in the World as such his contacts there simply wanted the best vitamins available - so leading food scientists were contracted with the brief ‘ make the best - forget cost’
Pinnacle established a monthly mail order MLM business which soon had 10’s x 1,000’s of members purchasing monthly. Pinnacle was ultimately sold to a Major US Competitor.
Based in Utah
George in the Warehouse
The Pinnacle Pack

The Internet was a logical business progression as George saw it as the ultimate lead generation tool.
Over the past 12 years George has become one of the World’s largest owners of .com domain names with around 60,000 through his portfolio. He is considered by many as being the most knowledgeable person in Australia on how to generate business enquiries from the Net. His Internet businesses have over 3,200 website generating over 3 Million Hits a month in Australia alone.

He has consulted and run seminars for many of Australia’s Largest Business and Government Agencies. Similarly in the USA, Asia and other countries.
Specialising on generating Business Enquiries from the Net by ensuring searches for a client’s products and services appear on top of the search results for all major search engines. This is an entirely different proposition - and far more complex - than having a website come up on top of search results - this is easy, because a website has a unique name whereas a search for say ‘Solicitor Sydney’ has many 1000’s of competitive results.
Some of his Net businesses are: GlobalPage1.com | AustralianDentists.com.au | HelloCocky.com.au | AllTradies.com
George was brought up in the North Western Scottish Highlands & Hebrides - His father owned a small island close to the Isle of Skye.

Living on the Island with no electricity or shops - where you had to be totally self-sufficient in all things gave George a foundation of independence and self-reliance which he often says was his greatest teacher.
As a teenager he saw a movie ‘ The Sundowners’ ( Debora Kerr - Robert Mitchum ) in Fort William and made the decision to come to Australia.
Arriving in Perth he bought a car and with a mate spent 2 years driving and working at many jobs - mostly driving heavy earthmoving machinery - from Perth to Adelaide, Sydney up to Cairns to Darwin down to Adelaide Melbourne - Tasmania then back to settle in Melbourne age 19.
He sold encyclopedias door to door for 2 years then had the great good fortune to be accepted by Xerox as a trainee salesperson - at the time Xerox provided the best corporate training in the world.
During his years in the industry he was promoted through salesman - senior salesman -area manager - Sydney sales manager - State manager - National training manager and finally as National Sales Manager Nashua Australia
He left the industry age 28 to begin his own businesses.
On a personal note
George has never had an alcoholic drink or any form of drug and has never smoked anything - he has a strong work ethic and skills based experience in every aspect of business gained from his 40 year career.
He has never had a loan or mortgage - preferring to save until he can purchase cash (Scottish Highland Thing) including his real estate portfolio and business assets.
In 40 years he has never been in the ‘red’ with any business venture.
George plays the guitar, banjo and bagpipes - He has played in Rock / Blues / Swing and Celtic bands since age 16.
Today, he does a lot of playing / singing at folk venues specialising in Celtic and Australian traditional.
He writes songs and enjoys bush poetry.
Still loves fishing - especially in the Top End for Barra’ on a fly.
He believes in Win / Win Long term business relationships, work ethic, respect and integrity.